
The IMC team lives the mission statement with its vision, mission, values and strategic guidelines. Our successes and innovations are actively communicated to specific target groups.

Short decision-making channels, efficient processes and consistent project implementation are our key success factors. Our entrepreneurial thinking is characterised by clear responsibilities, resource efficiency and decision-making freedom. New solutions and continuous improvements are developed and implemented in an open culture of experimentation.

Goal 12: Future-oriented composition of the IMC team

The IMC team consists of the Permanent Faculty, Adjunct Faculty and Institutional Services. The IMC team is characterised by an international mindset, innovative problem-solving skills, embracing diversity and a high level of motivation in shaping and developing IMC Krems.

Colleagues of the Permanent Faculty stand for high professional and scientific expertise, are anchored in the national and international scientific community and make a significant contribution to the further development of our research focus areas as well as our teaching.

The Adjunct Faculty primarily brings in professional field and industry expertise and consists of established personalities from the professional field or the relevant research areas.

The employees of Institutional Services actively contribute their high level of professional expertise to the further development of our core processes in teaching and research as well as to the design of their respective areas of activity. They are helpful contact persons for internal and external stakeholders.

Goal 13: Attractive framework conditions and innovative working environment

Through measures for personal development, health promotion and work-life balance, we create a modern and rewarding research, teaching and working environment, in a framework characterised by diversity and equal opportunities. Comprehensible career paths and a performance-oriented bonus system make the appreciation for above-average performance visible.

Goal 14: Systematic involvement of business

We expand our network of national and international business partners qualitatively and quantitatively in order to ensure the systematic involvement of business in application-oriented rese-arch and in the practice-oriented development, implementation and further development of educational programmes.

Goal 15: Clear positioning

Our offers, our services and their target-group-specific communication are designed to position us and make us visible as an international and innovative university of applied sciences.

Goal 16: Strengthen our innovation culture

We set priorities in all business units to strengthen our innovation culture, giving room to experimentation and promoting personal responsibility.

Goal 17: Social effect

We are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a social mission statement and align our actions accordingly – in teaching, research and services. For this purpose, we focus on dealing with individual SDGs and measure the contribution of our activities to all SDGs. We address this in dialogue with our stakeholders and work towards the goal of a climate-neutral university of applied sciences.