
We bundle our applied research into future-oriented research focuses, develop innovative solutions for the benefit of the economy and society and thus contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Our researchers are visible in the national and international scientific community with their research results and are recognised and sought after as experts in their respective fields.

Goal 7: Further development of research priorities

The research priorities address future topics, have a long-term orientation and are continuously developed through national and international cooperation with business, society, and other academic institutions.

Goal 8: Financing of research priorities

The research priorities are financed through the successful acquisition of regional, national and international research funding as well as through contract research projects.

Goal 9: Scientific and economic research output

Research results are published in peer-reviewed journals, as papers at international scientific conferences and in the defined Intellectual Contributions (ICs). Popular scientific contributions and media appearances increase the visibility of IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences as a research institution; prizes and awards strengthen the reputation of our researchers.

The results of the research focuses are the basis for further research funding applications, contract research and consulting services as well as for patents, products and business start-ups.

Goal 10: PhD cooperation

Through targeted national and international cooperation and the use of PhD calls, we create attractive PhD opportunities for employees. In the long term, we aim at offering our own doctoral programme.

Goal 11: Further development of the IKB research institute

The IKB (Institute Krems Bioanalytics) research institute will be established as a lighthouse facility together with mass spect-rometry and further developed qualitatively and quantitatively.

Research focuses


Science & Technology